.wilderness and no trade limit debute.
to JaGeX, look at all the countless votes for getting back the old no trade limit and wilderness pking poll, this poll doesnt have a NO! i mean,what is this? this isnt a vote? a vote is were there are more then one option? not to be rude but WAKE UP JAGEX! remember what was going on 2 years ago? countless cases of accounts being hacked scammed or accounts seen botting, and more then ever in that time period,do you really want this to happen again? do you know how much people quit after that? and if you do this again its a total NIGHTMARE. you already have seprate worlds for that you know? bounty hunter? pvp worlds? come on dont ***** the game up again! the rules and laws of runescape are good now? why change them again when everyone at that time struggled getting through one day without being scammed? you know how many players you going to loose be curteous at least. dont put us through this hell again, your facing loosing all of your players and keeping botters and scammers.
21-Dec-2010 21:08:48