P.s. To all those complaining about scamming and lurers and such, the trade window now shows when things are removed and what has been changed, so that solves most problems unless your and idiot and someone tells you they'll trim your armour for you and you fall for it, lurers only ever worked on foolish players, if you are risking something you don't want to lose then don't go into the wilderness, the little warning sign even tells you that.
@Kubi The GE will still be there and people can put up items to sell and querys to buy but they will be able to put it up for ANY price they want, not just between the min and max.
I have played rs on and off for 8 - 9 years on 4 or 5 different accounts. I can remember making steel plate and going up to the wildy and trying to pk badly it was fun.
I also remember being mildy scammed.
I would prefer a new area of map and put it in a desert.. so they have to have water supplies to stay out there for ages ambushing innocents. a town n-s-e-w with a bank in each and maybe a "wildy cape style item".
Why suggest this? pkers can pk.. and when jagex gets bored they can do a flag war for area.. you could go in fight for profit or against rival town's areas and owning more of the map.
It will take a lot of effort to move minigames - re home the kbd ( who wants to be his neighbour maybe a queen black dragon and siblings) and while re homing things.. rev's for the ge?
Bots and gold coin sales online.. easy solution 10 x our trade limit.. surely it would be easier for jagex to pick up on multiple 1 mill trades rather than 1 20mill gp trade.
Bots.. oh bots.. well i reported one.. so did 2 mods and so did 3 or 4 of my friends... and he was still mining ore 3 days later.
I hope this works out - or else i will vote with my wallet and find another game to get in to.
I have died by more revenants that I have by PKers. PKers can be reasoned with, while revnants cant. I have bribed so many PKers to split my clue with them if they let me finish it.
@FF I have no idea, sorry.
@Onlylegends Why would they move the KBD and corp beast? The KBD was there before the wild was turned safe and the corp beast can be the same as the KBD, just make the inside of the cave safe and the outside not safe.
@Mainac Haha I think you mean WHEN it comes back and you can try and kill me but it will never happen.
29-Dec-2010 17:58:44
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29-Dec-2010 18:00:48
Thank you Kubislayer! I hate when I killed someone in PVP and I knew that they had alot of gear on and I just get crap like some totem or like 1/4 of their gear.
If I'm going to risk 4-5 million Pking I better get good loot when I kill someone with roughly the same amount of loot on them!
And doing clues in the wilderness NEVER stopped anyone back in the day, you went in prepared to get attacked.
Okay, here's my opinion (Sorry if I offend anyone):
I don't want free trade back. Yes, I loved it back in the day, but it would just be a bunch of hard work to bring it back now. All you people saying keep the GE and have free trade? Umm yeah, it's not going to work well like that. Everyone will be trading with friends for discounts and stuff, so not as many buyers/sellers for the GE. Yes, it would be cool to give your friends gifts now and then,(bigger than like a 150k gift.),but it it a necessity?
I think it's part of playing the game to make your own money, not rely on the kindness and hardwork of a friend.
As for the Wilderness I could care less. I wouldn't mind having it back how it used to be, as long as it wouldn't interfere with Treasure Trails and Quests.
Thanks for listening.
I think it would be great to re-introduce pking and free trading, it will bring back the old magic of the game. Also it will make staking possible again which was another enjoyable aspect of the game which many people overlooked.
Offcurse the concern of bots and scamming are going to increase but its important to remember that those things still occur in the current state of the game. There are ways to overcome those probelms. For example Jagex is doing what it can to eliminate bots. Also there are various methods to prevent people from scamming your account in game and out, so there really should not be any problems there.
From my point of view the good overwieghs the bad and the re-introduction of pking and free trading will really help make the game more enjoyable and fun.
Also well done to the staff for actually doing this, really shows that they are willing to listen to their players.