I personally have played runescape for around 7-8 years.
Like many who played regularly before with the real wildy and no trade limit I'm happy to see Jagex considering bringing it back.
I know people are having doubts or reasons why they believe this is a bad idea, allot just aren't concidering how Jagex are going to change other area's of the games to coincide with the return of free trades and wildy.
All those people complaining about clues and such, 90% of the clues which are located in the wilderness where there well before the trade limit and the removal of the wildy, the idea of clues wasn't that you just got a clue so you where guaranteed to get some loot because you had good stats and the right quests completed, the idea was they where a challenge, You had to struggle whether it was finding the place to dig, solving a puzzle or avoiding pkers, if that meant dropping your spade and using protect item to keep your watch, sextant, chart and clue then so be it, maybe you just geared up or took friends and sometimes even waited till non peak hours and found a rather empty world.
The people wondering about quests located in the wildy, well Jagex have said they will relocate them, so i really don't get why your complaining.
For all those who pk today and say it's just fine, and the EP system is all good, personally i think your stupid.
The idea of sitting there for an hour just so that when i kill someone I have an increased chance of loot makes me laugh.
The old idea's of runescape were great, you wanted to kill green dragons because they're good money but you might get killed, the idea was you have to risk to earn, you wanted to kill druids for herbs in edgeville, well you might get killed and if you wanted to do those things without risking simply 3item.
The thing i used to love most about runescape was the risk of pking or clues or training in certain places.
1 question why should any1 risk allot, when they can simply 76k and get the same loot?
29-Dec-2010 17:52:07