
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Their choices. If they want to trust someone they shouldn't trust then they go on ahead. Pay attention to your surroundings and the warnings and you'll be fine. I'm not going to be there saying, "It's okay, he's gone now, he can't kill you now. It's not your fault it's his. He should've never done that." No. I'm going to say, "Well that's what you get for not paying attention. Now you know, hopefully. You oughta know what the wilderness is...Well *now you do know and hopefully you won't fall for their pathetic excuse for a scam anymore. Just ignore them, don't fall for it again, and they'll have no one to lure so they won't be able to do anything."
I think it's totally fair for people to take advantage of new players. I try not to, but I have done it before. It makes the noob a more experienced player. You're not breaking a rule or anything. Besides, when the noob is a noob no longer, most likely he is going to take advantage of another new player. Hunt or be hunted.

25-Dec-2010 22:40:40



Posts: 92 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Heero, you obviously made your account after 2007. In the old wild, there were less warnings, you could attack anyone in the range. For example, if it said "3" at the bottom right, that means that you can attack anyone within 3 levels of your own. Also, you get what the player you killed had in their inventory! That was great! You would attack someone with a whip because, "Ooh, they have a whip, if I kill them, they might drop the whip!" Now if you kill someone with a whip, you're more likely to get a rune kite shield, black longsword and an empty vial. All the excitement and anticipation of the old wild is absolutely gone. The only ppl who enjoy it are rly high leveled accs who know they're gonna get something good because they have on godsword, full barrows, etc...The mid and low level accounts get empty vials and bones half the And if some noob is standing outside the wild and he is seeing everyone fighting each other and people getting killed and whatnot, then they should know better than to go into it where they're most likely going to be killed.

25-Dec-2010 22:47:40

Aug Member 2018


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I've read alot of all this and alot of it makes no sense, I've played since pretty much the beginning,
admittedly on and off when bad updates such as the '07 wildy removal.
Overall theres a few aspects of this potential future update that are worrying people or that people
don't seem to understand, and I'm going to be perfectly honest about all of it, including my experiences.
Firstly, if you have never witnessed free trade and old wildy, then stop trolling the forums- Please.
You cannot say you can or cannot want this back because you can't remember it but in all fairness
JaGex have not given you information about how it would be, suitable enough for you to make your own
judgement on the effects of this update.
Secondly, I want to make it clear to you all that the old wild and free trade was not removed because 'People were getting lured and killed for their stuff' this is bull. Here is why; back in the OLD wild, I mean way before '07, luring was easy because walking into the wilderness could be done by being on follow to anyone or by a missclick, which could cost you dearly. THIS was used to lure P hats etc with 'drop parties' in the pub near the wild (North Varrock), the black nights/monks (Edgeville and west), and the wine spawn north west of Fally. Because of this problem, the wilderness was only crossable when you clicked an 'I agree to go in the wild' notification which occured once you tried to cross into level 1 wild. However this only happened once per log in (like your bank pin) so it soon became easy to lure players who had already clicked yes in thatlog in session. To prevent this, and duel/trade spamming accepts that dragged you into the wild, the wilderness ditch was created, running along the wildy bored, which had to be jumped by clicking in order to access the danger zone. THIS BY FAR was enough to stop luring, unless the other player was incredibly stupid thus not being anyones fault
but their OWN.
Continued below!....

25-Dec-2010 23:08:15 - Last edited on 25-Dec-2010 23:11:24 by Kamay1770

Aug Member 2018


Posts: 611 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The real reason the wildy and free trade was removed, and it was not because of pkers being 'annoying or cruel to noobs'was because real world trading had become a problem, and these were the main methods of transferring items.
With the release of bank pins, hackers had no way of getting your items unless you logged out without banking or
you were stupid enough to give out your pin. So hackers were not the main problem. Removal of the wild/free trade was a desperate measure to stop real world trading quickly, before the game became unbalanced. It was for no other reason, so do not believe it ever was, especially if you were not there to witness the events leading up to it.
NOW because JaGex has evolved as a company over three years, has more money to pump into coders and technology,
they feel they have sufficient ability to track and stop real world traders and the bots associated with them and
therefore the reasons for removing the wildy and free trade in the first place, are void. Therefore the way that
JaGex ORIGINALLY intended the game to be with wildy and free trade, can be reinstated DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND which
brings me onto the next part.
I have seen many posts about this vote being unfair, okay. This is annoying, because it has been fair.
The first part where anyone could vote in any name was simply to get a rough idea of numbers, they will have known
that anyone can vote in any name and will take that into consideration, but this wasnt even the vote, it was to
gain publicity for the vote to maximise:

a) The amount of people voting and that would vote in the referendum (ex players would have chance to get back involved)
b) Interest in the game
c) Maybe advertising on the vote page but this is how JaGex make alot of money, so don't hate. They have to.
Continues below...

25-Dec-2010 23:08:36 - Last edited on 25-Dec-2010 23:11:47 by Kamay1770

Aug Member 2018


Posts: 611 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As for the referendum, this is a fair vote. The vote is, I don't mind, NO or YES. All this bull about people wanting
are kidding themselves. This is a vote jagex want to offer us, do you understand no other games producer has done this
for an MMORPG before? We are lucky to even have a choice. Wildy and free trade have to go hand in hand, because instead of
trade limits people would just kill each other in p hats to trade them, and if they put a trade limit on kills noone would go
to the wild. So stop being so silly. This is a *lack or white vote, no shades of grey.
The economy. HAH some of the posts I have witnessed on here about the economy are laughable, do you seriously think
that in the seven years+ before the '07 updates the economy was a shambles and unstable? NO. It wasn't, and I speak as a witness
a merchanter and a pker. So I know that prices now are run by merchant clans and merchant programs. back in the day the price
was set by the majority average player, not the few elite with alot of money.
As a note, the fury ammy is not 17M+ up from 2-3M because of merchanters, it's because JaGex released an update
preventing people from trading fire runes for tokkul which meant tokkul can only be obtained through grinding
fight caves or npcs in Tzhaar. In conjunction to this the price of the onyx gem went from 300k to 2.7M tokkul. That
is why it is expensive.
Rares will always go up.
The rest of the market is run by merchanters and fair enough, they got given this weopen and they are using it, that is
how you win a game, make the most of your abilities in any situation.
Continues below...

25-Dec-2010 23:08:56 - Last edited on 25-Dec-2010 23:10:19 by Kamay1770

Aug Member 2018


Posts: 611 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To all of the people moaning about statistics, when I played fully in '07, full swing, the updates came out and out of my hundreds of friends online, only about 15-20 of us stayed, and not for long. the update destroyed us. Pkers AND skillers, skillers lost revenue from supplies and we lost revenue from people to kill. So from my point of view, around 30-40% of active members quit or stopped playing as much within the first half year after the update. After this and with the introduction of BH and the failure of BH and the pvp worlds (EP limit, 76king etc, risk outweighing gain) more people left, but a large influx of 'bubblewrap' players came. Within three years people have joined this game and played it for what it was/is currently
a safe game where you have more control and safety than any other MMORPG I have played. But think now, these bubblewrap players dont know that they are bubblewrapped because they were created and have played in a constricted and safe environment for three years and are now being told
that they will be 'lured and scammed' off the face of RuneScape if this vote comes through. Also they don't understand that this game isn't JUST about skilling or getting 99 everything, it used to be about using all your 99 skills to pk people or using other peoples 99 skills to
help you pk. So for all you bubblewrap players, it isn't your fault your just not used to it, but the game is being reverted to what it was originally and you shouldnt hate it because at the end of the day we had the real thing for 7 years+ and this for 3 while a problem was solved.
it is time the game went back to how it was meant to be.
Continues below...

25-Dec-2010 23:09:18 - Last edited on 25-Dec-2010 23:12:09 by Kamay1770

Aug Member 2018


Posts: 611 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
11 million people do not play this game with active membership subscriptions, it is more around the region of 1.5-2.5 million, there are well over
257million accounts created though, but these are inactive, alts or bots. Stating that 10% of people who voted no to this update will 'quit' is
1) Not true. maybe 20% of this 10% will quit.
2) This 2% of people who may quit will be subsidised by the advertisements on the poll and by the influx of old school players.
In conclusion, I'd like to say that, the only way that bubblewrap '07+' players will be affected by this update is having to potentially grow enough brain cells to not follow someone into the wilderness ignoring warning messages with your entire bank in your bag, having to go to
Fally or Varrock and speak to players and barter for items at prices -> YOU DECIDE TO PAY/SELL AT<- and finally having to put some more thought into clue scrolls or wilderness quests which could be dangerous, BUT these were around before the '07 update and everyone managed fine back then with no complaints, so really all these '07' players need to grow a spine IF they moan about this because they are taking the easymode version of the game which was a temporary version of the game as mentioned. The real thing is coming, be prepared to work hard and to have to put more thought into your play style.
No offence intended to anyone, this is just truth and my opinion hopefully to answer questions and clear up some random bull.
PEACE- Ktm- Pker, Lurer, Skiller (of sorts :P ), Mercher.

25-Dec-2010 23:09:33 - Last edited on 25-Dec-2010 23:12:50 by Kamay1770



Posts: 340 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi there
Jagex is now on best way to make themself to big liars.
They help now again RWT and Merc****. I am sure all the reasons in last years why they made rs more sure are now negated. I know much people who like to kill with whole CC one solo Player and think wow we are so strong and super is it to make in 1 second so much gp. But the most PVP people was last 3 years not in RS they was always to proud and o lazy to make a good skill acc. When they had skills made up had they much more GP made as in PVP times.
Jagex how wanna you give order to Players to keep the rs rules when you self make exactly against that?
I go in few months anyway to quit but the last updates (last 1 year has more destroyed RS as build it up. So much updates who made bugs in rs. Daemonheim who not correct had gave xp, Quests and Tasks who not had worked...
The most people who had quitted in my fl was last 3 years not because old wildy not more was here. They had quitted because jagex so much made useless updates.
And the pvp people who had quitted and now find the vote button they are not so that they know the RS from today. They think we not know old wildy and should not voting but what is whit this people?
Is all a real big fat mistake what they wanna do. Much people not wanna have back old wildy they wanna only have back unlimited trade limit. You had better made seperated votes for unlimited trades and seperated for old wildy.
Most people in game who i am are and who my brother discuse are against old wildy but voted positive because they only wanna have higher trade limits.
I tell it again jagex is more and more a bunch of liars. They kick their own rules into a cannyon and now when people not hold the rules how mostly doing wanna you *** more bann them? RWT helpers. Merc**** helpers. GF Jagex.
People in the game tell not all woot old wildy will coming back. No. They think not all so.
Make better seperated voting one for higher trade limits, other for old wildy.

25-Dec-2010 23:13:08



Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex clearly u have in mind that u are bringing wildy back and ur just trying to hype us up.
u obviously are not stupid, u no that ur decision will either satisfy most players, or if u dont bring back wildy, ur gonna get the biggest riot yet, maybe 2x bigger than the fally 07 w66.

25-Dec-2010 23:14:52

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