Hello, I'll say a few things about this.
I have personally experienced both free trade and the old wilderness. I believe this would be a huge mistake to bring either of these back. There are too many activities in the wilderness that would be destroyed due to bringing back the old ways. This includes corp, shooting stars, kbd, daemonheim, quests, etc... I don't know that I'd appreciate being barraged as I attempt running back to the corp dungeon. I realize it was still possible to participate in many of these activities before the old wilderness was taken away, however, the wilderness at this moment allows players of all levels to get out and explore without the threat of other players jumping them, which is far more threatening than revenants.
By bringing back the free trade, you will reinstate scammers and give people who hack, more motivation to continue- due to no trade limit. This would be terrible for the economy as well. It will not defeat merch clans. I am a veteran to rs as I have played for nearly as long as rs has been around. At this moment, runescape seems to be more stable and more enjoyable than ever. Taking away the grand exchange and other aspects of the game that make runescape more accessible and less difficult to new players will be a step in the wrong direction.
Overall, Jagex, you have improved each aspect of this game beyond my belief. However, bringing these two areas of the game back, will destroy much of the progress that has been made. Hopefully you will see this.
21-Dec-2010 20:41:31