I have waited for over a year to be able to pay for membership without international problems. I would like to continue membership and play this game as it is now.
If a minority of MANIPULATIVE players who have banded together to manipulate the management of this game succeed then I fear the integrity of the management would be affected negatively.
If management want to reintroduce the calibre of players who were around before all the BETTER changes were made to the game; the BETTER changes *hat won AWARDS no less, then they are introducing back into the game the DECEIPT AND BOTS AND GOLD SELLING AND ALL THAT WENT WITH IT.
If integrity is the aim of the management then they might introduce a few worlds that is restricted totally to this manipulative element and they can bot, thieve, deceive and kill each off without affecting the GREAT GAME THAT IT HAS B E C O M E.
This is a very serious issue now and management have to climb out of the muddy puddle they have chosen to play in.
The vote is a farce and not representative as was shown by one comment by one of the players. He/she said "If people wanted to start up 100's of accounts to vote them power be to them". That said it all. Why they didn't just reject the petition outright defeats logic.
Personally I doubt if the income from the manipulators would be enough to pay for the manpower and machinery needed to combat their destructive effect. Would these resources be put to better CREATIVE CONTENT use, Y E S.
If these few worlds are allowed then it would have to be a choice that they could not carry their game on to the other existing worlds. Keep the gold farming restricted to the wildy worlds. Otherwise they will do their farming and infect all the worlds. How many votes do you think gold farmers have put in to influence this count?
I vote NO in order to keep integrity in the game.
02-Jan-2011 22:17:19
- Last edited on
02-Jan-2011 22:20:29