A shrewd observation. It's called projection. Also the supporters have to come up with a simplistic reason to dismiss all of us in their minds to reassure themselves of their superiority.
Many simplistic reasons have been suggested to marginalize us. To name a few: Too new to be entitled to an opinion, botters, price manipulating merchers, scaredy cats, crybabies, and selfish spoilsports. I have yet to hear one that describes me accurately.
I don't feel to happy about dieing just because I'm doing a clue and losing all my stuff and what about pings oh man pks well have fun there. Really come on I like the game the way it is. The only thing i want to change is trade why ant you make it where if you where friends for 6 months or more you can give free stuff to them or some thing like that. I love the ge. I don't have to run around trying to sell my stuff and people trying to get more out if what you have.
Do you really think you are going get more people to join. Maybe you well get a little more but you well lose alote of players to. I think you well lose more them you think.
24-Dec-2010 20:10:53
- Last edited on
24-Dec-2010 20:17:37
me and My friends Never ganged up on people we only ganged up on people who tryed to kill us And my clan used to pk and we used to pk only people who were trying to pk not skillers trying to catch black sala or orw/e
Treasure trails wont be moved ive done 7 clue scrolls before in wildy with pkers around i never got killed they just said hi to me. the reason ifyour doing a clue scroll and you get attacked by a pker u must have on armor probably. or must be provoking them to attack.
You are right, not only have I played since 2004, I have never botted, I don't merch, and I'm not "crying" about this update. Merely stating my objections.
But if we are bringing the old Wildy back, there will be more scammers. How about you make a rule that can stop a fight if there is a 15 level difference or more.