Ive played a very long time, and all im going to say is, the '07 updates were only created and implemented as a way to put an end to rapidly escalating rwt and botting problems that the game was facing, it was cut out these loved things or lose the game to bots/rwt.
the idea was never to destroy the wildy because people didnt like pkers or because it made the game harder,get a grip.
now that jagex are confident (as stated multiple times by jmods in posts) that they can easily detect and ban botters and rwt'ers they feel it is safe to bring back the wildy without the risk of the game collapsing into a pay to win with rwt game.
as for the poll, jagex will already have coded and have the updates ready to implement, they never release hard evidence of potential updates this big without having them already coded to implement quickly.
all we will effectivly lose is world pvp and some of the lame things such as ER.
all minigames, revs etc will be moved not deleted.
before '07 the economy was immensly stable so dont even talk about the economy, '07 killed it with merch clans.
pkers buy skillers suppplies, so dont moan, u will profit
for a good 6-7 years skillers dealt with the wildy as a way of mining ore such as runite, collecting arrows/bolts etc and it was fine, and that was before all the extra areas and monsters released,so i think ull be fine now if u lose one area since ni 6 years or so there has been like 20 new areas to skill.
stop being selfish skillers, pkers need to play too.
if u dont want to die, dont go wildy, or go in prepared, stop easymoding you '07+ babies.
free trading will stabalise the economy and make rs life less constraining, you will like it, trust me,
24-Dec-2010 02:15:17