Everyone saying "pvp is same as old wildy" is wrong.
old wildy ...
}didn't have to worry about gaining ep
}didn't have to worry if u were attacking your Target or not.
*You could walk up and kill someone and u get Exactly what they had (That was part of the excitement. pvp is a Gamble. The only thing I want to gamble when pking is the food i'm using and the armor i'm wearing. That's my risk.)
}no 76k trick. to me, that trick seems like abusing the system, and a very unattractive sight to see 15 fights going on... oh but they are doing 76k trick. lame.
pvp ...
}Really fun. I've always wanted a pvp zone throughout the world of rs. When wildy is brought back, they should keep some pvp worlds.
}Random drop. okay maybe some people like that, but I hate it. again, they could make a pvp 'random item drop' world.
The dangerous wilderness and High stake duel arena went away in relation to the trade limit issue. Bringing them back wont affect all the new updates Jagex gave to us. like all the new weapons and armor and all our new mini games and wilderness pking. That wont bother the chaos tunnels or zombies or kbd. You guys need to lighten up. Jagex wont ruin the entire game just to bring back an alltime favorite activity.
COMPROMISE. that is the answer.
24-Dec-2010 01:57:23
- Last edited on
24-Dec-2010 02:04:29
Ooby Hooby1