When I started playing I figured I'd train up combat, then go kill people for their stuff, though I also enjoyed other skills. As I played though, I realized I just didn't have the DESIRE to take other players' stuff from them that they worked so hard to earn. It felt like it took me forever to work up to where I could afford decent equipment; I WORKED for my money. I didn't scam or bot or merch, so maybe wealth (good equipment) meant more to me than to others. There was no way I wanted to go take someone else's from them.
And having decided that, I also could see that plenty of other people were PKing and duelling from pretty much day one, so I would never be as good at it as they were anyway.
Again, it's like real life. Normal people aren't into beating people up for their lunch money, so we don't get any good at it.
At level 134(?) I probably don't have TOO much to fear zipping into the wildy in D'hide to do a clue, but these people like forming gangs; there's no way to defend yourself with 4 or 5 people attacking you with different styles all at once. And it's not about me anyway. It's about segregating this particular brand of anti-social player from everyone else, not just me.
23-Dec-2010 22:45:24