Everyone, whether ur a rune crafter, a boss fighter, or a minigame player. Theres nothing wrong with this vote, runecrafters got by just fine while usin abyss back with old pking and its not that hard to use prayer, ur prayer will be drained to 0 anyways and if u somehow get skulled... u are still gonna get skulled when u get there, as for bosses players fought them just fine with old wildy, and jaggex is saying they will relocated them along with quests and minig*nes.
also... it wont start scamming....
if a lvl 3 gets money from the drop party, and a lvl 80 scammer comes by and tells the lvl 3 to follow for a valuable item and he leads the lvl 3 to wildy... before the lvl 3 enters wildy he gets a warning saying its dangerous. and he can ignore warning or leave. if hes smart he will leave, if hes dumb and ignores it.... he goes to lumby poor.
if a lvl 60s makin a deal with lvl 80 for a rune scimmy only 15k while rune scims are higher priced then that...
when they trade the lvl 60 throws out his 15k and the lvl 80 throws out his rune scim, the lvl 80 then replaces it with mith scimmy as they both accept because they are similar in color, now if the lvl 60 was smart enough to see "trade modified" he woulda declined also he woulda saw the second screen that it was mith scimmy and he coulda declined.
as for ppl makin multi accounts and voting yes.... cmon i bet the ppl saying no are doing it to! which means ur number is much smaller.... and our votes would be smaller too but not nearly enough to even be below 65000 it wouldnt make a difference
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
04-Jan-2011 23:14:13