I would prefer that we had the free trade and wilderness back, but i would prefer that the GE stay as well. With it's set trade and whatnot.
If the GE contradicts the "Free Trade" then you may also just.. place the GE where it still remains.. let players sell in the GE for a price they see fitting, and.. the people who are buying can set a range for the item they want to buy, where a list comes out where the items are around that selected range prices.. though trading through there.. might also be hectic, since people may being buying the same item, so.. can you make it vise-versa?
People who are selling can see who is buying, so the people buying can make a statement that they are buying something.. at a "Selected Price" that the buyer posted and the seller can sell for that amount.
Everything I just said is kind of full of contradictions.. but can you make around it?
Also, I would still prefer the GE being the way it is, trading otherwise is still kind of hard.
The people who chose for this to go through, or people like me, who wish to trade friends who want to play with you some handy money to live off of till they have skills to support their needs. Because, me personally, do not like giving out my own hard worked money, made by my time and skills. Or something as simple as birthday presents to them.
I would like to hear your thoughts about the GE staying the same or being removed.. and if you redirect me to another forum list.. i'm probably not going to look at it because, I rarely use forums, and this is just one thing that made me use it.
I am worried for the GE, so consider it staying the same?
When did this exist
23-Dec-2010 13:07:51