I Vote to bring back the option of free trade. I hated the fact that i couldn't repay my old friend back the 750k that i borrowed from him a long time ago. Also i used to bargain and haggle with people over prices i set for my items that i was buying or selling. I believe we should leave the Grand Exchange in runescape, but also reintroduce free trade, so the G/E could be just a stock-market device used for price-checking and buying in bulk.
As for the wilderness, i think it's fine, how it's on some worlds, and not on others, and the PvP worlds are nice too, but i don't like the fact that i can't get the items off the player i just killed. So what if i get a npc to buy an item off me for 5,000,000 coins, when i could've sold his Armadyl Godsword for almost 100 times that amount.
As for people who don't like Bots, or RWT's - listen.
There are places bots can't go and RWT's still exist even today. Jagex are trying hard to detect and ban them, and are still working diligently at it. Also, i don't believe that bots will come back as hard as they were before, JaGeX has much better security systems now.
And, for scammers and the scammed.
Multiple changes have been madew to the way people trade, wether or not these changes will remain if this poll is sucessfull is unknown, but if you see a RED "!" over an icon, that means it's been modified, and you should check, and double check your trade windows. Don't get too exited over buying an item at a good deal, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Summmary: I want free trade. I want the old wilderness mechanics back. (Not Wilderness on ALL worlds though). (Though i do believe it's a waste of a world server to use a world where you can only enter the wilderness or edgeville. Make those worlds available to non-pkers, by, making it where you can go anywhere.)
Also, players used to control what worlds activities and events were held at. Jagex needs simply to gives the worlds a name, and thats it.
22-Dec-2010 21:25:23