
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

Quick find code: 254-255-49-62042278



Posts: 134 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Calming once per account yes, but any one can vote ussing other account names, no log in nesasary, and dont give me the isp bs becouse they dont care, its just a way for them to make a big deal over something they were allready going to do, pretty low way to treat your custemers

22-Dec-2010 21:24:43



Posts: 18,232 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
northern thats what they did to all of us back then, do one to others as they want done to you, so this is just @ all who are against it*
<><><><> GIVE US WHO WANT CHANGE A VOICE <><><><><>
You’re a mean one Mr. Grinch

You really are a heel

Mister Grinch!

22-Dec-2010 21:24:44

Brudah Iz

Brudah Iz

Posts: 1,648 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To be brutally honest, i do not support this update.
The main reason is the problems jagex had in the past when the free trade was available. Bots were plentiful and i have a feeling that bringing free trade back would bring them back as well. Sure jagex you can say you have methods of dealing with them but think about it. bots can have plenty other ways to sneak into the game and you cant take care of all of them.
The wilderness idea i am surprisingly neutral on. I never pk myself but i see how it would bring the old wild back and so on. There still should be worlds where it is safe to go to the wild without being attacked by people. for doing clue scrolls etc.
To be honest all together bringing it back only brings back problems of the past.

22-Dec-2010 21:24:45 - Last edited on 22-Dec-2010 21:25:54 by Brudah Iz

Aaron Skated
Nov Member 2023

Aaron Skated

Posts: 2,607 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I Vote to bring back the option of free trade. I hated the fact that i couldn't repay my old friend back the 750k that i borrowed from him a long time ago. Also i used to bargain and haggle with people over prices i set for my items that i was buying or selling. I believe we should leave the Grand Exchange in runescape, but also reintroduce free trade, so the G/E could be just a stock-market device used for price-checking and buying in bulk.
As for the wilderness, i think it's fine, how it's on some worlds, and not on others, and the PvP worlds are nice too, but i don't like the fact that i can't get the items off the player i just killed. So what if i get a npc to buy an item off me for 5,000,000 coins, when i could've sold his Armadyl Godsword for almost 100 times that amount.
As for people who don't like Bots, or RWT's - listen.
There are places bots can't go and RWT's still exist even today. Jagex are trying hard to detect and ban them, and are still working diligently at it. Also, i don't believe that bots will come back as hard as they were before, JaGeX has much better security systems now.
And, for scammers and the scammed.
Multiple changes have been madew to the way people trade, wether or not these changes will remain if this poll is sucessfull is unknown, but if you see a RED "!" over an icon, that means it's been modified, and you should check, and double check your trade windows. Don't get too exited over buying an item at a good deal, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Summmary: I want free trade. I want the old wilderness mechanics back. (Not Wilderness on ALL worlds though). (Though i do believe it's a waste of a world server to use a world where you can only enter the wilderness or edgeville. Make those worlds available to non-pkers, by, making it where you can go anywhere.)

Also, players used to control what worlds activities and events were held at. Jagex needs simply to gives the worlds a name, and thats it.

22-Dec-2010 21:25:23



Posts: 40 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Look at all th spam you got Jagex. Oh and just to be sure you heard me the first time even if some other idiot used my name to vote yes Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote.Elvenalchemy is AGAINST this vote. There that should be enough and ELVENALCHEMY IS AGAINST THIS VOTE SO DON"T COUNT MY NAME IF IT'S ON THE YES PETITION.

22-Dec-2010 21:26:26



Posts: 515 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't want the Wilderness back, but that's not the main reason I'm so upset at this. IF it came back I wouldn't like it, but I'd accept. Personally I'm mad at the voting system. You can entrer anyone's name, so you could just go on the hiscores or forums and type in a bunch of names and rack up the votes. I had a friend who happily told me he used my name to vote -_-

22-Dec-2010 21:26:31

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