I am very excited for this. A few things I want to say. #1 - I was undoubtedly shocked and apalled when I found out about this big change for Runescape. There were a strange number of people in the GE, more than usual. As I usually have my public chat on friends, I turned it to " all " and saw people rioting about bringing the wildy back. I went straight to the homepage and nearly cried at the ****t of bringing back the wilderness and free trade. I voted for all of my accounts, crossed my fingers, and prayed. This is indeed quite the trial all of us have been waiting for. Having said that, #2, I'm saddened to see the number of people against this poll. My personal belief is that the majority of these people are ones who didn't play three years ago and have never experienced what the good old days of Runescape were. I miss giving my firends items out of generosity. I miss getting that great feeling after earning a hard-earned kill in the wilderness and seeing the drop you get NOT BEING RANDOMIZED BY TOTEMS, STATUETTES, AND ICONS! The old days of pvp are dearly missed by a lot of players, not just skilled pkers *** people just wanting to have their old, normal Runescape back. I support the poll with all that I have. #3 If you were in Mod Mark's cc when the rank meeting occurred, you read he had big plans not just for the wilderness, but also for duel arena. If you aren't good at pking, hey, you can duel instead! He also said a few things about quests and clue scrolls. Those that are against the poll for this reason, please reconsider, for these issues will be relocated. Yes, relocated, not deleted entirely from the game. #4 - RWT has, and always will be, an issue. Those who think that adding the wilderness back will cause more problems alright, but that doesn't mean there were none in the first place. Jagex doesn't plan on giving up on these problems anytime soon. All-n-all, please, support the poll, and bring back the old Runescape a lot of players love and miss.
22-Dec-2010 19:39:54