"Then You Must Be a Skiller."
If this is meant in response to my non-support message, I will see your 1891 total level and raise you MY 2255 total level.
Again, don't make assumptions
when did mod mark say it would take 4-5 mil votes and it can only go to 9,999,999 so if it gets there then you can bet it will come back, already almost a mil if not over that by now.
please someone point me to where he said that, because I have not seen him say that.
Although this Idea is....unexpected....JAGEX couldn't just bring it back as it used to be right away especially not the wildy in my opinion....so many activities would be cut off and many clue scrolls would be almost impossible to solve without some click happy Pking junky killing you off. They would either need some worlds to stay as they are or players will leave as well as some older ones coming back.
The trade limit would be interesting but I would still like there to be a g/e as it is just so useful!! I think that unless a really good anti botting/scamming system is ready to be implemented it could be a risk....
I will be interested to see how this works out and will give a definitive answer when a verdict is reached.....
PS: Over 900,000 votes?!?! I wasn't aware the Runescape Community was so large!!
Doesn't everyone see that this is a hugemungious idea to make money?
think about it. there are like what 200k people logging on every day? at max. runescape has facebook twitter myspace and 2 others that they are encouraging us to use to spread the good news. and they are giving us nearly 4 weeks to vote. If they succeeed which they will, the old wildy will come back and there will be well over 200k people logging in each day ( doubleing membership subscriptions doubling their cash!) money money money money such a lovely thing huh
actually, i have another idea.
what if when you enter the wildy you could enter in "safe mode" when no combat is involved with other players, excpet for npc's like revanant's can att you