I must say I agree with Patchesgem that this is turning into a killers bias game.
I find it dissapointing that they have decided to make the Wildy, as they say dangerous as it's supposed to be, but left out some aspects of the game. Surely if the Wildy is supposed to be wild and dangerous, this would mean anything goes. If people can use curses and ancie**s, players should be able to use extreme potions. Who cares if it gives an invisible boost, its the wildy, its dangerous!!!!!
The other thing I also find dissapointing is that the Revs are being removed from the Wildy. Again I thought the objection was to make it dangerous. Shouldn't it be dangerous for all.
Read a comment that on the Q&A that someone didn't like the way their pottential pray would be able to teleport away, Jagex reply was that they may stop this happening. Why? surely this is tactics, everything seems stacked against anyone who doesn't want to PK. At least when the Wildy was removed Pk worlds and Bounty hunter were introduced, as well as Clan wars unsafe portals.
I also have no intention of Pking either but will give Jagex the chance to prove they can deal with the influx of Bots and RWT before I also look for another game to play.
24-Jan-2011 09:40:07