
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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17-Jan-2011 21:23:21
Last edited on 17-Jan-2011 21:35:38 by Megaman9211
@agent the only noob here is you are very blind.
clear the only reason you would find it as a real plus is to have the current system stay so merchs can sit there mass buy an item till they force the price up and resell for money
you really should get a clue.
before the updates, merchant used what was called by many, the merchants bible, a set of prices that was determined at by how much the skiller was willing to lose. by setting around in banks for days, doing nothing else, mercahnts gathered large amounts and sold them to skillers at rediculous prices. they gave very little in return.
those merchants were the ones that controled the prices, not the maniplator you complain about today. those drive up the price IN SPIKES before it falls again. merchants gathered up large amounts forcing the price up. they cant do it now with the ge.
...i am no pker i hardly ever pk i tried it never liked it do i go to the wild still yeah just like everyone i get a clue scroll or something that would lead me there...
then either your a merchant that wants to get back in control or your a rwters wanting to make millions off the game again.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

17-Jan-2011 22:02:39 - Last edited on 17-Jan-2011 22:04:32 by dunforgiven

Nov Member 2023


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your a bigger noob than i thought i have been a merching clan before to see what it was all you do is mass buy a item and prices go up the same thing you claim they do in free trade which is not possible why because player do and can refuse to pay prices and do it all the the time back then.
and weird your the one claiming all this but you seem to have a expert knowledge of how to raise prices in this system and are claiming it was for free trade anyone who does not believe me can personally go to any trade world a join a merch clan and see they do exactly that
you can ask anyone of my friends i am no merchant i suck at it i have tried before and failed
i have 20m in the bank from 6-7 years of working hard at things like barrows and from getting a rare drop or two when training like a d med before they dropped in price because full helm came out
thirdly i don't rwter what ever that is i been playing on this account for years and basically only this account. i have 1 noob that i made to play with on nonmembers when i don't have money to pay for membership why because their isn't much to do when u have a bank full of quest items
and as far as i am concerned those of u claiming to leave because if good riddens we don't need you merchants anyways

17-Jan-2011 22:06:42 - Last edited on 17-Jan-2011 22:17:00 by HolyAceX



Posts: 187 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@agent "what is this now?! we all had our hopes up for today to be the big day but now we have to wate 2 more weeks! right now i bet runescape droped a cupal hundred people" they never said that it would be brought back monday, 17th. they said they would make an official announcement. and if you are too ignorant to read up, then dont post.

17-Jan-2011 23:08:42



Posts: 169 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
agent your an idiot, free trade cant be manipulated?? wtf. . with free trade theres always someone thatll sell it cheaper then what its worth or higher.this isnt the case because of the free trade people if they dont want to buy from a mercher can always buy from just anybody else? there will practically ALWAYS be someone selling it cheaper then the next guy. people will only ever pay what they think is reasonable.but thats not th case with the g.e and the set prices, you HAVE to buy it for that much if u want it. and agent. stop whining about wildy and free trade, i mean wildy is what gave this game its huge appeal in the first place, you dont find many mmo games with as much freedom as 2001-2007 rs?you come up with bull excuses, you use no CORRECT evidence to back you up. rigged votes is one i noticed earlier by you. WTH is the matter with you, this is a vote, even if there were say a few hundred thousand bots that voted for or hell, even if there were 900k bots that voted (which is well over the amount theres no chance that any more then that or tbh no more then 500k bots could vote) then we have still won! stop saying "the minority" because its not, we vastly out number you so stfu. and learn to count.

17-Jan-2011 23:09:51 - Last edited on 17-Jan-2011 23:14:09 by [#LHG9INIEP]



Posts: 187 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
agent, you are just an ignorant, stupid, person. wether or not it was planned to be brought back before the votes, atleast they attempted to see what we wanted. and im sure if the votes were say 91% no then it wouldn't be brought back. and as for you thinking it was comin back today, that was also ignorant. you just read that the vote was over, and read the 17th. you missed the middle part that said they would announce the final results, even though the votes speak forthemselves, monday. so would you just please shutup with all your ignorant, idiotic posts. kthxbai.

17-Jan-2011 23:15:52

Define a Bow

Define a Bow

Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In my opinion, I think javex had made a remarkable decision, I am just truly thrilled with free trade and wild, although the thing bugging me is that people can get scammed, especially new players, i think javex should do this, when trading, it shows to amount of money gained or loss during trade, like trade limit, but people can accept the trade, because so new players know what the value is for an item.

17-Jan-2011 23:50:35

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