
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 1,730 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Quote from the recent announcement:
" with a united 91% of you voting for the restoration of free trade and the Wilderness."
So does the term "you" refer to accounts now; not people?
"You" refers to "mains," "pures," "skillers," "throwaways," "bots," and every other kind of account that people had prior to the first vote, plus all the accounts that the supporters of this idea made for the single purpose of voting on the "petition" and then the "referendum?"
If I was a spokesman for a big company and I wrote an announcement to my customers and used the term "you," I would be referring to actual customers; human beings.
I wonder if, like so many supporters, Mark Gerhard could really believe that each account that a person could come up with (some of us only have ONE account) was entitled to a vote? Using terminology like "91% of you" is the sort of thing the many rabid supporters on this thread and others did. And I'm afraid there are only a couple of reasons for a normally intelligent person doing so.
One involves disingenuity; the other involves a complete disconnect from reality.

17-Jan-2011 18:23:59



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
''its a matter of trust. its a matter of weither the desires of a small minority mean more than the needs of the majority.
its a matter of the insults being heaped upon the majority.
and no. the children that are pkers are not the majority, evenif they have more accounts than the rest of us.
the majority of players didnt even bother to vote because they didnt see any reason to vote against something that was obviously a set up from the begining.''
Let me start off by saying that you should probably check your facts. This is utter... well, i'll probably get banned if i finish that sentence. Let's begin...
A total of 91% said that they wanted the Wilderness and Free Trade back. Yet you talk about the ''small minority'' and refer to the PlayerKillers and ''Merchants''. It's obvious that the only small minority here is you, the small group that doesn't want the return of the Wilderness and Free Trade.

''the majority of players didnt even bother to vote because they didnt see any reason to vote against something that was obviously a set up from the begining.''''
Without any facts to back me up this time, i got the guts to say that 35% RuneScape players from 2007 were PlayerKillers. Now, that ONLY the PlayerKillers. The Merchants group never existed. There never were merchants in RuneScape. There were just skillers trying to make money. And when they, in 2007 removed that feature, most of them left, knowing that the game was broken.
So please, back up your facts. Don't be a ******.

17-Jan-2011 18:25:09

Steven Day

Steven Day

Posts: 1,395 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
JaGeX I honestly think this is a huge mistake.
You should've just made the Bounty Worlds PvP Wilderness. Maybe even more Bounty Worlds! But not every world.
I hope you do not put any penguins in the Wilderness. They will be EXTREMELY hard to spy on with the pkers.
Also thanks for ruining Wilderness Shooting *tars. There are 9 different regions although there was always a thrill with the revs. Now pkers. I won't be mining there anymore....

17-Jan-2011 19:10:15



Posts: 169 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@agent, L2GIVEUP.
youve have posted on here for a long time, saying things such as "its not fair on us who want to use the abyss" or "the vote was rigged from the beginning" youve also said things such as "the majority of the people who voted yes are boters"
just because YOU cant accept the fact that the wilderness and free trade are coming back, youve gone to the extremities to say the the vote itself was rigged. wtf kind of idiot are you, if jagex wanted the wilderness back theyd have just put it back just as they took away from us back in 07! its obvious that the majority of people wanted it back from the moment it was gone and although the voice of protesters is loud on the forums, in game. its another story.

17-Jan-2011 19:13:55

Aug Member 2022


Posts: 217 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Of course this was a set up, designed specifically to allow the return of the wilderness and free trade.
Unfortunately only Jagex will be able to determine how many "new accounts" were created for the sole purpose of voting for the return of the wilderness. I have encountered more than my share of people who openly stated that they created "extra" accounts so that they could vote more often.
With the late run on voting, it appeared possible that the "bot" makers actually created a program to establish accounts in order to add votes and to be in place for when the restrictions were lifted.
Of course the vote was pre-determined because once everything is returned back to "normal" or at least what used to be considered as normal, Jagex will no longer have to do separate updates for the PVP worlds and the non-PVP worlds. This will save them real world dollars by reducing the amount of programming that is needed for maintaining two separate systems for basically the same game. This indicates that it could be monetary issue from that standpoint, rather than an issue of what do most players really want.
With respect to the "botting" issue and it being aggressively pursued, I fear that someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Anyone that spends time near the varrock east bank will be able to see the number of "bots" that roam between the bank and the aubury, it is quite a parade. At any time of the day, there are anywhere from 50 to 100 of these bots on EVERY server. Now if something this easy to see cannot be controlled, how is Jagex going to have any chance of controlling the total "bot" problem?
That is all there is to it. It will be back and there was nothing or next to nothing that could have been done against it.
Oh and don't let the name fool you, it's probably the best misnomer in the game.
Thanks for reading and see you in game. Have fun, I know I will be trying to as well.

17-Jan-2011 19:19:41 - Last edited on 17-Jan-2011 19:26:58 by Dmbazjrk

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 322 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
exactly jagax had no reason to rig the vote why it would make people leave if they did they looking for customers not for people to leave
also as for the big mistake comment shooting stars wil be more fun to go after with this. and many things were in the wild long before then and people still did them and hear people comment about clue scrolls sorry to bust your bubbles but clue scrolls have always been in he wild before and after the removal there was never and issue then nor will their be one now other than people who want every little thing handed to them on a sliver plater. as for the shooting stars they weren't there before but they show up in other spots as well not just wild as for some of htem they may be relocated to a safer spot but think some should remain in the wild as a challenge to those brave enough to go after and perhaps have a better reward for those in wild.
also agent
merchanter do not want the change why they are in control of the prices now with free trade and wild they lose their power

its rather sickening to see some of the comments about wild and clue scrolls and other things the point of the game is not to just be able to do everything easily some things are meant to be hard so it is a challenge other wise you all just get bored and leave sooner or later what you guys want is basically and easier way to do this or that were as most of us rather put are skills to a true test !

17-Jan-2011 19:27:27



Posts: 515 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Damn it I really didn't want this to happen. I hated the old wilderness when it was around, and me and my friends were against this completely.'s going to happen, and there's nothing to do about it. I don't want this to happen, but I'm not gonna complain and say the vote was rigged. I guess I'll just have to accept it, and move on.

17-Jan-2011 19:43:58

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