Of course this was a set up, designed specifically to allow the return of the wilderness and free trade.
Unfortunately only Jagex will be able to determine how many "new accounts" were created for the sole purpose of voting for the return of the wilderness. I have encountered more than my share of people who openly stated that they created "extra" accounts so that they could vote more often.
With the late run on voting, it appeared possible that the "bot" makers actually created a program to establish accounts in order to add votes and to be in place for when the restrictions were lifted.
Of course the vote was pre-determined because once everything is returned back to "normal" or at least what used to be considered as normal, Jagex will no longer have to do separate updates for the PVP worlds and the non-PVP worlds. This will save them real world dollars by reducing the amount of programming that is needed for maintaining two separate systems for basically the same game. This indicates that it could be monetary issue from that standpoint, rather than an issue of what do most players really want.
With respect to the "botting" issue and it being aggressively pursued, I fear that someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Anyone that spends time near the varrock east bank will be able to see the number of "bots" that roam between the bank and the aubury, it is quite a parade. At any time of the day, there are anywhere from 50 to 100 of these bots on EVERY server. Now if something this easy to see cannot be controlled, how is Jagex going to have any chance of controlling the total "bot" problem?
That is all there is to it. It will be back and there was nothing or next to nothing that could have been done against it.
Oh and don't let the name fool you, it's probably the best misnomer in the game.
Thanks for reading and see you in game. Have fun, I know I will be trying to as well.
17-Jan-2011 19:19:41
- Last edited on
17-Jan-2011 19:26:58