Remember How the Old Party Drops were? When Somebody drops it You can run to it? But now look at Falador Party room. EVERYBODY in the world has to have a chance to get something.
I can't believe people are still talking about Bots and Autoing If you guys would have read the update that was put out it states that JaGeX is still going to continue to fight them no matter what... So guys should drop that.
I don't see how letting one happen with out the other would work to be honest. Because if you only bring back the old wild people could RWT by just killing each other and getting their coins or items. And if you only brought back free trade.... well come on, people would just give coins and item form RWT... So those people trying to argue only bring one back to help with RWT it won't work. Allows just to debate with the lady forum mod on the first page who said add a "no" button to the vote page... what would the point to that be? Theres no need for it if you don't want it then don't vote. Because when you vote you have to enter your name... those names that are not entered can either be counted as "no" or people that just don't care enough to know or read updates. Therefore adding a "no" button would be useless.
Thank you so much for allowing this to happen JaGeX this really shows that you do care about us and it lets us know that our thoughts have been heard. Please bring back the good old days! I'm so ecstatic about this.... Thank you so much! I've Been playing Rs sense 2003 and I must say there years before 2007 hold some of my greatest memories
Gosh, again thank you so guys, so much!
Pyros 4ever AKA The Big Dum Dino
after some thinking about this in my opinion, i think that the ge should still be around as a sugestion to a price and you, as a player have option of selling it on ge or not. and the wild i think there should be certain worlds that have it, like the old wildy.