I have been playing for a long, long time and have many, many thousands of hours invested in this game.
Old Wild was fun and free trade was convenient, but I sincerely hope Jagex will leave PVP/BH worlds as they are.
Many, many people enjoy the mechanics of the current PVP/BH system and would like it to stick around.
We are all at your mercy, Jagex, and we hope you hear our cry.
15-Jan-2011 16:02:45
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15-Jan-2011 16:04:21
Bringing back free trade brings back item scamming and real world trading (money for gold). Also, some members will attain wealth just from having friends quit and give them their bank. Not exactly fair to those who do not have rich friends quitting rs. Bringing back wild makes everything a hassle (KBD, armored zombies, clan wars, stealing creation, quests, fist of guthix) unless moved, which would also be a hassle for jagex to do and for us to figure out where everything now is. Though it does help kill merching and when you kill in wild you can get the persons gear, it does come at a price.
How can you say 7% voted no when the only option was to vote yes or not vote at all? What a bunch of liars. You must really think we're stupid. I'm unsure if I want to remain a member if you can't be more straight forward and honest than this. Sorry.
15-Jan-2011 17:30:29
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15-Jan-2011 17:31:03
Check your facts before accusing others. There were in fact THREE options:
Yes, No and Don't Care.
It has been for over 2 weeks duration of the vote minimum. Just saying... You're ignorance here is your down fall.
When I pushed the vote button, it simply thanked me for my vote and gave me no opportunity to have it count for anything but yes. The yes, no or don't care screen they say they used never came up. I do feel this is a legitimate complaint and I'm sorry if I've offended anyone.
I am sure as you all know the developers of this game are not stupid....They know that this vote was a test as to see how many cheaters there are in this game and to see how many VOTING BOTS would be created and to see how many Gold Scamming sites would be made.
I am sure Runescape does now want a BOT and CHEATER to be the deciding FACTOR in this GAME!
When I pushed the vote button, it simply thanked me for my vote and gave me no opportunity to have it count for anything but yes. The yes, no or don't care screen they say they used never came up. I do feel this is a legitimate complaint and I'm sorry if I've offended anyone.
There were two different polls.
Please just shut up. Every time somebody posts something you have to reply to them with an argument. Here's the catch though nobody likes you let alone wants to hear you. Please get a life. You've been on the forums 24/7 just get off and go outside troll. On top of that you have absolutely no idea once so ever what you're talking about for RWT. I LMAO reading everything you put wondering to myself how can some one typically be that damn stupid.
Good luck in life.