Wow you guys are getting..."distracted" Who honestly cares what Agile has to say?
he is in the minority of a democratic vote, its obvious more people feel that the benefits of it outweigh the negative effects (as i do)
RWT WILL go up, definetly not as extreme as 76% but some, i however have confidence in jagex (dont say that much)to have improved their ability to control it enough to offset the increase. RWT will exist as long as Runescape does.
Everything wilderness related could be very easily removed to easier to access locations anyway. I remember going out and getting PWNed so many times cause i thought i was bad back in 06' IT's fun, BUT if you dont enjoy the PKing side, just stay out of The Wilderness and it wont bother you.
Ultimatly the choice up to jagex, not us, they arent going to take the opinions of the minority over the majority, they will see if/how much it affects their profit and thats what the final decision will come out to. Will they lose or gain money from bringing it back. (they'd DEFINETLY gain)
all we can do is sit back and hope they make the right choice....or troll because everyone loves a good troll
14-Jan-2011 19:16:05