Some of us are well aware of the fact that the return of the wilderness and free trade will bring back more RWT and scamming to RS. However Jagex's system of dealing with such threats has over the years gained a new level of sophistication. Please understand that the removal of the wilderness and free trade was not the first step in dealing with such sad facts but a last resort.
I was never much of a pker, however I have lost a ranger set in the wilderness to a player 30 levels below me. I understand your concerns to as why those of you who don't want either or to return. However realize that we are not all pkers, realize that we aren't all going to try to scam you through free trade. To some of us the return of the wilderness and free trade is nostalgic.
It represents a time before Jagex watered down the game and content to be easier and thus more enjoyable to 13 year olds.
I miss standing in the garden in falador on world 2 having shouting contests with hundreds if not thousands of other players. It was a bit chaotic, but it was beautiful. The sense of community that Jagex tries so hard to create now existed back then. The wilderness on top of being a place you thought twice about entering, a place the minute you saw a white dot on your map you would hop worlds was a place wonderful for clans and communities. I remember having a "snowball" fight long before snowballs were actually part of the game, everyone went in with no armor and just casted air strike.
It wasn't all good, there was bad people, one day you'd get scammed, yet you'd learn not to get scammed again, and then you'd get hacked if you weren't careful, lose all your stuff. Yet the next day your friend would give you a red mask, and you'd realize there are good people here as well
The truth is free trade and wilderness made the old runescape runescape. Jagex knows it, now that they are more confident in their ways of dealing with scammers and RWT they've given us the opportunity to bring it back
14-Jan-2011 18:34:05