
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 1,141 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How is bringing back the wilderness a stupid idea? Seriously, its better than the current pvp system.
"You get a lot more RWT something you fought against for years. Many players I run into in areas are stating they're going to quit."
Why do people like you always relate RWT to the wilderness? The wilderness is NOT a direct cause of RWT nor is a closesly related.
Get off forums with your misleading information.
10k quits, 500k comes back. Sounds reasonable to me.

14-Jan-2011 17:41:21 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2011 17:41:30 by JohneySteel



Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
they "might" bring it back!!! doesn't mean they will!! and I have every right to say what I did, because they're unfair!! and I haven't played this game in years, ever since they took the wildy out... when I say they "might" bring it back, I might start playing again... man... they're such jerks... just bring it back!!! the vast majority of votes was to bring it back, it's childish what they're doing.

14-Jan-2011 17:41:47



Posts: 51 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Johney525
Again, please go back and read my original post, you wil see that i said that wouldn't be able to happen with what i suggested, to pk you would have to come out of wildy.
You say it would ruin the nature of pking, right? what about the non-pkers? is it tough on them if they go to wildy for whatever reason other than to pk?
You're quite right, i'm new, only been a registered player for nearly 2 years, but i have many many friends on here as well as irl who were here from the beginning, some who pk and others that don't. The pkers aren't bothered either way but those who don't pk don't want old wildy back.

14-Jan-2011 17:42:33



Posts: 35 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think changing the wilderness would be a shame. There has been a whole set of back story, quests and activities created for it and in it over the last few years. It would be a crime to sweep away all that creativity to have it become just a playground for PKers.
But are people really wanting to change the wilderness, or just the PKing rules? If the wilderness is where PKing happens, people who don't want to take part will just not go there, so it will be just the same as a PK world.
Either those who don't like PKing will lose out on what the wilderness currently has to offer, or will have to put up with unwanted PKing attention, or Jagex will have to recreate the content elsewhere.
Surely the PKers would be just as happy with new PKing rules in the PK worlds?
I for one would not visit the wilderness if it was full of PKers. Currently I do.

14-Jan-2011 17:43:10

Angel Valoel

Angel Valoel

Posts: 637 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
after many years , the old , runescape is might have turmoil and powerfull wepons , but that deos not matter
we have gotten back for what every runescape player since 2007 used to have , with 91% in our favor, we are most defintly getting the oldwildy/trading back , i accautly thought this would never happen, we would never get them back , and now this, i am truly shocked and full of joy , thankyou jagex mods, for making this possible
many people are agensit this , but you have to accept the fact, that the magority wants it , and this will help bring more players to our favorite game, runescape , this will help our econamy , and jagex , so to those who are agensit it , i hope over time you would accept this, after all it is inevtabile ,
you'rs truly , lier life

14-Jan-2011 17:43:54

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 264 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
aney of us who were around voted for it to come back to b truthfull its the best part i love keeping what i kill not killing some 1 with 60m and geting a lousy 2m when not if it gets put pack how it shuuld b theres goina b atleast a 50% increqse in proffit for them because 90% of there basis quit wen thay jewd around with the pvp of this game me my selfe have been addicted since it came out 10 years ago and ive curently made it to 125 as i do not have the means to obtain my last 8 pray lvs to finish but once my wild comes back im a have me sum fun back at rune rocks and greaters no * more of this joke lv 1 wild pking

14-Jan-2011 17:44:00

Feb Member 2012


Posts: 172 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's been a few years, those little kids might not be so little anymore (although im not saying that there aren't a bunch of little ones speaking out about something they know nothing of). I wasn't a little kid when the wildy+free trade were removed. I just believe it to be one of the biggest and better things that RS has to offer.

14-Jan-2011 17:44:16



Posts: 1,141 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Seifer 666
Since you havent played in year, welcome back!
Good to see older players returning. I do want em to bring it back sooner, as they had time from the 1 day petition, then the 2 weeks of voting to work on the update, and release it today.
It would of been nice if they brought it out last week monday as we've been at 89%+ yes votes for weeks.
Although i dont want to be, we need to be a little more patient and see what happens on monday.

14-Jan-2011 17:44:51

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