@King Slayz0r
I never said i wanted to be, nor do i act like a mod. I simply give my input and argue my opinions. If you think I sound like a mod or im trying to be one, then thats good for you.
They do NOT need a new style of vote, why?
-Bringing back the wilderness goes hand in hand with free trade. You cant have one without the other because it will cause an imbalance
One for people who just want free trade?
-It would cause people to EP more by giving what ever amount they want to a friend, then killing them and hoping for a decent drop.
One for people who want Both?
-Yes, they they have it and other than a No vote, its all they really needed.
one for the people just just want it to stay the same?
-Yeah, thats a No vote.
"the thing that i wanted to suggest is bring back free trade and wildy BUT
make the pvp and bounty world's just the world's where wildy is"
The wilderness is in EVERY world. So for them to make pvp in the worlds where wildy is, means EVERY world.
"as it's not such the wildy that the older player's want back, its the drop's & free trade
so if you can do around 10 world's for player vs player and leave the rest the same"
Sorry, but that simply wont do. 10 worlds for pvp is not enough, and you would understand that if you were a frequent pker.
Pkers makes up more of the game than you think you know.
Clue scrolls should stay as is, so should abyss. Everything else can go. Banks in the wildy, the huge crater, clan wars, quest, all relocated.
Things that were in the wilderness before update should remain, and the wildenress should return to how it once was, In every world.
14-Jan-2011 17:08:05