I think your poll is totally unfair. You dont have to logg in to vote so anyone can do mutliple votes for this. I have already read someone voted 20 times, this is not going to show you people at jagex true voting. It should be logg in an 1 vote per person an tick a box for yes or a box for no.
I personnally was happy when you took away the old wildy. I was so fed up of being attacked an killed by groups of cowardly people that thought it was fun to kill players for trying to do a skill when using the abyss.
I like the new rules for long term friends trading an love the grand exchange it has taken away spamers in banks.
Please Jagex think carefully. You took away wildy, A BIG thing to do at the time, You took away unfair trading, you gave us grand exchange which has proven to be a huge success. You may have upset a minortity of players but those that love this game stayed and have made runescape enjoyable.
Please Please leave wildy an trade alone.
22-Dec-2010 08:27:19