has anyone thought of the upside that this update wil get rid of those stupid merching clans which will make it easier for everyone not just people who play to pk. the people who voted no are probably the people taking advantage of the grand exchange and making hard for other players
hi all
when i heard the old wildy would come back i realy got exitet
and i know for sjure alot of people will come back cause when i was pking b4 it got away and i hated it that it was gone
all the other pker they all sayt if it will come back on 1 day we will sjurely come back i just know it for sjure whit new graphics and all in wildy it sjure looks way better so it will be improved
i hope it comes back asap
tbh all they had to do was take the vote of the front page,then no one would of sayed any thing,its all a ploy to see are reactions,and how we feel about it.
if they took it of home page no one would be geting excited!!!
If free trade comes out everyone will probably make more money from their stuff than from the GE right now so im not too worried, plus lending high quality gear will be so much easier now