you cant say your going to end a referendum at a certain time then now. its not just like a vote. plus if this has anything to do with getting a record the guiness records people wouldnt accept this as a legitimate one as they have gone over there specified time
1 million votes that require login's = 1 million payed accounts when free trade/ pking comes back.
do the math. 1 vote = £3
1M votes = £3M
Stupid idiot jagex would make a ton.
It should change today.. They have had this poll going for a month.. They knew what the outcome was going to be.. I was once a person with 8 members accounts like that guy with 10. pking is pretty much the only thing to do on runescape.
dont be foolish it will not cost money to roll back (re-implement) code.and that girl that said free trade will ruin the economy on here is insane and a noob. the ge destroyed the economy. decimated it.