I've been reading all the forums on this subject, and I see the same thing being said. Alot of the "old" accounts that went into hybernation when free trade/wildy went away, are coming back. I can guarantee 60-75% of those coming back are the "scammer" accounts for both trade and wildy. I also see alot of people talking about jagex and their "good work" on getting rid of the bots, not factual. I along with a small group of personnel across the US, have a "watchdog" group set up keeping an eye on sites that offer gold/items for various MMOR**'s. We didn't do it for jagex (runescape) there were games we played that we cared more about than this place. But, I digress, my point is, that within 72 hours of jagex implementing their "bot" program, 3 of the 100+ sites we track, already were back up and running runescape without missing a beat. Free trade and wildy come back, I guarantee, there will be at least a 45% increase in bot accounts, since I think some that were hybernating are also bot accounts. One thing about bots, they actually raise a few stats to 40 or better just to make them look legit. Keep that in mind. I don't care what jagex does when it comes to trade/wildy, but they have been warned.
14-Jan-2011 11:47:07