
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
umm i gotta say that even though i sorta miss the wilderness...
i was getting really tired of getting COMPLETELY OWNED EVERY 5 MINUTES WHEN I WENT TO THE WILDERNESS!!!!! :@
Though still if noobs can be, u know, INTELLIGENT!, i would like having free trade back so i could help my friends and they help me :D
but about the wilderness ive reached a lvl where i could moderately defend myself( or run like hell) in the wildy, and im smart enough(knowing i will for sure die) to never bring my best items, only what i can easily replace, meaning crappy noob gear used for scouting the wilderness ^_^
so im still in a sorta yes but ppl gotta be smart about it.

14-Jan-2011 02:22:34

99 Sylph 93g

99 Sylph 93g

Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
first thing i'd like to say is responding to all the people who say they got "scammed" or "owned in the wildy"
scamming - back in the "old" runescape 2, scamming was something that rarely happened on major scales, maybe you would get scammed for a rune scimmy or maybe even 50k, but, who cares, its your fault for not checking and making sure everyhting was in order, not everyone elses fault. 95% of runescape players have shown they want free trade and wildy.
Wildy "ownage" - this ones short and sweet, if you get owned in the wildy. . .stop crying, get good. dont blame it on the wildy.
i for one, am so thrilled they did this, who cares about bots, who cares about scammers. all i care about is now we can haggle prices between player and player. jagex, will you marry me? :P

14-Jan-2011 02:34:35



Posts: 85 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just a quick reply to Agent B on the previous page.
If you wish us all to take you seriously, especially with numbers you have pulled outta the air...
At least work out your math before posting.
Your 6 in 24 in 148 worlds is over 28k at all time is wrong.
Simple as, its just over 21k by that logic, dont just add 7k to make the number seem bigger, its stupid.
Also, The whole reason that Jag have said they are bringing this back (By peoples votes) is because they say they have been working on the "Best bot finding" program ever made.
Have you ever thought that in those few years since the Wildy/Free trade has been removed and numbers have lessened that this could be because new games have come around, or people have grown older and got bored of RS?
There could be a great many cataylsts as to why numbers have lessened, dont ignore the rest just to fit your "All the bots stopped etc etc" charade.
Ive been away for the past couple of years trying my hand at WOW, now i divert my attention between the 2 when i have spare time, many others probably do that as well.
Also, have you ever thought of the possibility that all those that enjoyed free trade and the old wildy just because they thought it was fun and better decided to quit after the taking away of it?
I know i did, i knew loads of people that just got bored, same with other people i knew. Myself included, i enjoyed the old wildy, even though i wasn't a hardcore player, it was enjoyable, ATM though where is the fun in killing someone with 10mil of stuff on them and getting 250k? It actually ruins the economy and pushes prices for PKing equipment up.
Just because with this update another 100k players may come back, dont just ASSUME they are all bots without any facts at all.
I could just say, when the wildy was removed a gang of angry Pixies got very annoyed and kidnapped 100k players, they are due to release them in the next couple of days. There is as much truth in that, as there is in your "Hypothesis"

14-Jan-2011 02:42:14

Liam Kauri
Feb Member 2023

Liam Kauri

Posts: 59 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I voted no.:*
my reason for that is because dragons+pvp=death every ten seconds.
you could make 10 mil in the matter of one trade it would be like a game of cheats
so think before you act people :P

14-Jan-2011 02:43:43 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2011 02:45:26 by Liam Kauri



Posts: 3,602 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
9 hours till the fated hour arrives.
I never thought I'd live up to see wildy coming back!
my reason for that is because dragons+pvp=death every ten seconds.
I'm a GDK (green dragon killer) and voted yes. There are plenty other ways of making money you know. :P

14-Jan-2011 02:51:03 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2011 02:57:30 by Trowns



Posts: 49 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
WHO REMEMBERS THE BANKERS lol, they were like "2 mill drop party in falador in 10 mins!"
and so on... It was amazing everyone rushing to the scene, hopefully all this comes back with drop partys like the good ol'days where people leaving rs can put in anything they want and help the poor :D
Onwards to 99 Fletching!

14-Jan-2011 02:54:21

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