R l C K Y
13-Jan-2011 22:31:28
... In case you haven't noticed Runescape's activity has dropped severely since the wild removal ...
in case you hvent notice (obiously not), what drop severely was the number of bots in the game. used to there was a dozen minimum at every major wc area, every mining area, and at all the dragons and other resource gathering areas.
now, theres maybe a dozen.
anyone can see the numbers add up. dozens of areas with a dozen bots, in 148 worlds. even if you dont accept the math i showed you then, here is the proof of it.
lets just take a small number. 6 bots on 24 area, in 148 worlds. thats 28k + bots in game at all time, and i guranteee there is a lto more than 24 areas, and there were a lot more than 6 bots in those areas.
no one can deny there were over a hundred thousand bots in the game at a time when there was no way there could be more than 296k people online at one time. since jagex announced the record number of players was 247k set in few 08, its obvious that there was no more than 147k players in game at any time.
now days, there is maybe one or two areas with maybe a dozen or so bots in any world, and these are all player owned bots, not real world trader gold farming bots.
compare 147k max before the update with over 200k players now, no, the game isnt losing people, it gained over the last 3 years. there are more real players in the game now that ever has been before.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
14-Jan-2011 01:52:25