How the hell do you suppose that a small minority of the game, even if we had multiple accounts, could possibly make such a huge land slide answer that one idiot!
finally no longer will i get 10% of wat the person loses!!!!!
now when i kill a guy in dharoks and a whip im gunna get dharoks and a whip none of this 100k bs.
people r stressing about bots coming back into the game but its way better then the 76k trick losers. i would rather have a bot then some1 making 200k-1m by doing nothing at all
Any1 who votes no to pking is either 1) ge mercher or 2) just a puss and is scared to take a risk and have fun
alright i really hope so because i bought a whip a few months ago when they were expensive as hell and now i feel dumb because the price dropped i also stopped being a member because runescape got boring so there is nothing i can do about it except see if they go through with the update. if they do ill become a member again and start pvping =)
if we divided the 1.1mil votes we have by 10. We would be left with 110k votes.
Thats still more than your 87k votes that may not even be all legitemate.
Whats your point?
Landslide ftw
14-Jan-2011 00:25:16
- Last edited on
14-Jan-2011 00:25:28