Wow, this forum has shocked me. I am a player from 04 and a proud pker back in the day, when i pked for my first time yes i did die no i didnt lose anything cause i saw people dying, in order for someone to run out in the wildy with everything they own would be fairly simple of a person and to be lured, well lets just say people use to try and lure me out in the wildy when i owned d legs and they would drop dbaxes and i would pick them up and pray item and be a few 100k richer. i see no problem with wildy being brought back and keep a world for those extremely cowardly ppl who cant travel the wildy without loseing there clue scrolls.
as for free trade i like the idea of it comeing back to RS more than i do pking and it kills me to say this. back in old RS back when i was a major noob (not to differnt from today) me and my friend would scam gems from ppl by saying free gym cutting and yadda yadda. and out of all the time i played rs i got scammed maybe three times at most and which were me just being a idiot. i lost maybe 500k at most from my time of being scammed and earn 104 gp (or less). as for bots thats jagexs job to handle, i looked away from botting and buying gold mainly because i was a member and laughed at people who botted and watching there bots die. and thinking about it people were also a lot friendlier back when trade was around(kinda makes me hate the ge being added) maybe it was the fact ppl would give stuff to each other, have drop partys, set up massive party room drops, real group pking, idk you tell me, i liked the old runescape and it annoys me when i see ppl talk about how they liked the trade limit and pking free wildy, maybe now they wont get scammed of a few gp and wont have to buy super ene pots for when they do clues in the wildy, id like to see a good reason for removeing these features other than clue scrolls, getting scammed of a few gp, or bots (i dont like bots as much as the next person but i think reporting the bots should help)
13-Jan-2011 23:38:22