
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Apr Member 2014


Posts: 172 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
People that are saying that hacking left with free trade are mistaken. Now instead of trading away the hacked account's items, the hackers are selling their mill's of junk they have on their own account for the hacked account's good items.
RWT can still happen for the above reason but as I can see it has slowed down.
As for botters being gone with free trade go to green drags or blue drags and find yourself surrounded by bots. They are also at willows in draynor, banshee's in the slayer tower, and even at cows for god's sake! They are still here and will be very hard for jagex to eradicate.
The new pvp worlds are terrible compared to the old wildy, go out now and kill someone in full bandos with an ags and then look at your junk loot. I don't see how you could think that is a working system.
Old wildy and free trade couldn't have come soon enough.

13-Jan-2011 22:17:13



Posts: 102,158 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
..Runescape isn't about RCing either....
and its not about pking either. its about gaining exps and skills levels. its about having fun and proving that you have what it takes to be good at it. having high levels in rc does just that.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

13-Jan-2011 22:17:43

Ajm 1992

Ajm 1992

Posts: 154 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
HAHA, time to return back to RS, after years of rs still has little babys cryingg jheezeee whoever doesnt want W2 fally trading and duel arena staking back is just madd. old rs rocked, ever since the trade limit it just whent downhill because yuh cud** give gifts and trade as yuh wish too. this ge stuff is just stupid IMO because now people can manipulate the item and make hugee profits and clans scamm allot. if they release free trade all those clans scamming would be reduced. and trusst me Jagex allways pull it off somehow so just have some belief in them, they wont just update it for no reason their not dumb. thats why they were awarded the best devss sooo everyone vote YES YES YES time for somthing new and interesting lets atleast tryy this old way again and if goes wrong then am sureee jagex would change it. they even sed they would keep these features for furture purposes which means if anything goes wrong they would change it. am sick of this ge stuff merchingg is tooo easyy 50m every 4 hour which takes noo skill. old merching way took skill as yuh have to wait your self to buy and sell items.

13-Jan-2011 22:17:46



Posts: 1,141 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Agent B MiB
13-Jan-2011 22:12:28
...It isn't the only way to make either blood or death runes, but the most convient. There are other alternatives to runecrafting that doesnt involve the wildenerss. ..
name two.
the zmi is an extreamly ineffective way to make runes. yes, you get good exps, but you pay for it.
- - - -
Someone addressed this earlier, and i looked back through a few posts, but i dont feel like spending the time to go through it all.
Runecrafters can still runecraft even if old wilderness is returned. Its not that serious. I use to rc using the abyss and i didnt have major problems with pkers.

13-Jan-2011 22:18:34

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