...- You trying to say because i pk in game I pk irl? Seriously -.- You need help. Take your old self off rs and find a better hobby....
its a proven fact that people that bully in a game bully in rl.
ii Gears X
13-Jan-2011 21:55:52
...you do know most pker don't Even make profit off pvp ...
how hard is it to make a profit off killing an unarmed, unarmored skiller with 3 or 4 spells?
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
13-Jan-2011 21:56:58
- Last edited on
13-Jan-2011 21:58:33
13-Jan-2011 21:56:42
They fixed the voting so you cant bot vote and they fixed it pretty much as soon as the voting started.
They put the thing where you have to enter the letters to log in
they dont use bots to do the votes, they use bot accounts. it only takes a few second a person to put in the letters, not to mention that they already had over a million votes before they even considered stopping bot voting.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
Agent B MiB
"its a proven fact that people that bully in a game bully in rl."
Thats nice. I pking and bullying are two seperate things though. I was saying that I enjoy pking, solo or with friends.
Weather we outnumber or are outnumbered, we pk and have fun.
You on the other hand, take the game a lil too seriously.
13-Jan-2011 21:58:52
PKing isn't bullying, it's being a tad bit competitive, whoever the hell made that comment about pking irl LOLOL
explain to me how attacking unarmor, unarmed skillers is competeting? its pure bullying, which is the same as bullying in real life.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes