I also have kinda mixed feelings. I never got scammed, but i know other players have.
Heres my thought:
1.If i lend out and item, i won't have to find junk to be able to get paid
2.Revenants are irritating, more that clans. They come at any level, while PK clans are usually higher, making me safe in low level wildy.
Contras and sollutions:
1. People will get scammed more. Sollution: Maybe add the GE to the tutorial, or at least the GE price in the trade screen. If people can see the real price, they wont get scammed.
2. People getting lured to wildy and killed. Sollution: Maybe add an extra warning message to the wilderness wall, warning extra about people luring you in and killing you.
Also, if wilderness PVP and Free trade are reintroduced, i really hope the PVP and Bounty worlds will stay. At least there you can easily find a worthy opponent.
I voted Yes, but i have to say, i'd rather have just free trade and no wildy PVP, than Free trade and WIldy PVP and no PVP and Bounty worlds.
End of blab*****,
22-Dec-2010 06:05:12