7% of 1,200,707 is 84,049
Even IF votes were stopped at 100k for yes votes. No votes would not even reach it.
Even IF 84,049 of no votes were legitimate votes, would it be so hard to beleive that atleast 100k of the 1,092,643 votes we have is legitimate too?
i think ive told you b4, but ill do the same just to let everyone know. never have. dont. never will.be.a.botter. i hate them. i work 4 what i have no matter how much or how small it is. yes, i could get hacked. no i dont want to. yes im scared about it. but it was so much more fun then.even with the risk.
The big reason im so triped out about the change is that right before the ge update i was hacked. With the way thengs are now there is no real reason to hack someone unless you want there account, and thats nice. On the other hand (mind you im not a pker) thothing go my hart pumping like trying to do a clue in the wild....
For the people who think that the wildy is not comming back are "stupid. They just made this "poll" for more publicity.
But the only question is when does the wildy come back?
1. JaGeX already knows for a long time that the wildy is comming back so will the update be this friday?
2. JaGeX start rescripting at that friday.
Do someone know anything about the date?
Everybody 'round me saying I should relax 'cuz I've been going hard 'till my eyes roll back but,
all I wanna do is forget about my past and smoke a'lil ranarr, really nothing too drastic..