lol @ the fact that the first page of this thread is all people who voted no for the wildy and is all posted by forum rats and suckup mods who actually liked it when the wildy was taken away, they are the product of not having a wildy, a bunch of soft players that never have to risk anything. The same players that supported having guards posted all over the place road blocking areas for low levels... removing dangerous random events(that helped prevent botters)... better drops for low levels in lumby monsters... popup warnings everytime u enter sumwheres slightly dangerous... grave stones (lol)... more quests....
when wildy was removed you lost the players who would only do quests if they were required to hold a good weapon, who if they had a problem with another player would suit up in full rune and fight in level 1 wildy, and have the balls and honour to not safe, the players who if they caught someone droptrading, wouldnt report them and wouldnt even go over to try to pick up their stuff, the players that would attack a group a mages in the wilderness in an armour set because they know magic is for sissies(lol). Those players were lost.
Now we have a player base of whimps who suck up to jagex for mod, who report people, mute, kick from cc, correct your grammar, ENJOY QUESTS, and role play in clan chats.
i also lol@ the fact that jagex now rewards botters by giving them stat rollbacks... this is resulting in level 14s with firecapes/ skillcapes trimmed and untrimmed skillcapes of the same skill etc... every free world is now infested with botters in the mining guild, draynor willows, cows, chickens... the worst thing that happened to this game is the removal of wild and if you cant see that, look at the back ground picture on this forum and runescape home page.
13-Jan-2011 20:15:57