Dear Jagex,
This won't work.
Most of the people who vote yes did not even play the game when it had free trade and wildy.
When you really do this, there will me millions of botters online every day, the whole day.
there will be really rich botters, poor lvl 138 player, no ways to make money, because some people will sell d claws, godswords, 3rd age armour and much more for many times the price it is now. and the Party Hats will sell for many billions.
Sure, you will get some players back, but you will lose real players, and gain botters. Make staking with no limit, make the trade limit higher and bring the wildy back on some worlds.
This will make the game better, and brings part of the old feeling back.
This way people can still stake for all their money, but GE will remain how it is now.
You don't have to yell "B sale" all day long, before somebody buys something from you.
You don't have to make an offer when somebody sells something.
Sincerely, a player who played With free trade and the old Wildy.
Dark Pwnes (Godwar12, as I was known back in 2007)
13-Jan-2011 16:48:27