I really hope the green and blue dragons will stay in wildy.
I always enjoyed watching those dragon-killers fighting. Always hoping to see someone was wearing more than 4 valuable items. Then teleblock+entangle lol.
Also luring at the abbys was great. Just staying there holding a pickaxe and hoping some pker will attack you. Then quickly switch to whip and finish the job lol.
The good old times
The only thing you need to do to be left alone in the wildy is just not getting a skull and only wearing 4 items.
Yeah, but i've heard they have already fixed everything (not sure..). But no one know when will it return, or will it never return... It's just time wasting to say "it wont come in this month", because you can't be sure about it...
You should bring back free trade BUT still have the bar telling payers how much something is down in the bottom of the trade screen.
Bring the wildy back! Wildy FTW!!!!