old pking rocked the socks , green dragon prices will go up for people worrying about it and free trade was a gold mine for people that had a clue.
bots are unfortunate but imo they were never that big of a problem for me personally.
get off your high horse people that vote no , if u got scammed you were dumb. take your time if the deals worth doing then 3 seconds wont make a diffrence. The GE will be ruined? not for buying bulk products. If you don't pk then don't comment about how the willdy used to be. It was dangerous at varrock and skillful at edgeville. My best memories are luring people out at varrock , it took a great deal of confidence and trickery which in an online game is muc harder to do than in person in which my m8 would get some kind of crap weapon , ask the guy to help kill me. He would attack and I would attack back with an equally bad weapon till the guy skulled then bingo!
The reason they changed it in the first place was because of credit card fraud and if they feel they can deal with that then it should be re instated
13-Jan-2011 04:46:25