HAHA FREE TRADE AND WIELDY....VOTE YES YUH NOOBS..dnt yuh understand we can trade in freedom noww? were not gonne be trapped anymoree and also we can fight just like the old days in weildy haha epic timess.
all tho* that voted no are rtarted soorrry its just the truth and i kno it hurtss so yeh if u cryy idnt mind if yuh 07+ players quit cozzz all us 2000-07 players will return and were the core players soo yhh GF loosers 7% lmfaoo keep tryingg
agent complete the quest mate
as for my thoughts on the wildy return and free trade
jagex has to be carefull how they return it and why they are returning it.
i started playing in 2006 and the game was alot different
and felt alot different. the wildy was part of the game and there was no way around it. it was fun for PKers however not for people doing quests and other things. but you dealt with it as best you could. you died you moved on and tried again. however since its been removed many people wouldnt have the skills anymore on how to survive if they get attacked (mainly appling to people who have started playing in the last year or so). ive read many convo's of people saying they can beat anyone in pvp so they should be fine in the wildy. i doubt this. however if they bring it back so that every world has wildy then they will have a lot of people stop playing. i personnaly believe they should should spilt it. half worlds where there is no wildy just like it is now. and other having the wildy like it was back in the day
as for the free trade. it should be brought back to a degree
but the GE trade price should be shown in the trade window. i got scammed once or twice and wasnt fun. however you learn from it
as for bots. they were bad then and are bad now. sure they cut back the numbers but they will extist no matter what. if there is demand for it someone will supply it
as the votes indicate its coming back in some shape or form
lets just hope they chose the right way
m kid there werent quests in the wildy before the update. there were clues, green drags and abyss also the amge bank which became a place of fun clan pking
runescape used to be better when the free trade was still there.
i quit along time ago because they got rid of it, so im super excited that it is coming back! who knows, i might become a member again because of it. Please pass the vote on free trade and wilderness, because it will return runescape to its former glory!