HAHA, time to return back to RS, after years of break....man rs still has little babys cryingg jheezeee whoever doesnt want W2 fally trading and duel arena staking back is just madd. old rs rocked, ever since the trade limit it just whent downhill because yuh cud** give gifts and trade as yuh wish too. this ge stuff is just stupid IMO because now people can manipulate the item and make hugee profits and clans scamm allot. if they release free trade all those clans scamming would be reduced. and trusst me Jagex allways pull it off somehow so just have some belief in them, they wont just update it for no reason their not dumb. thats why they were awarded the best devss sooo everyone vote YES YES YES time for somthing new and interesting lets atleast tryy this old way again and if goes wrong then am sureee jagex would change it. they even sed they would keep these features for furture purposes which means if anything goes wrong they would change it. am sick of this ge stuff merchingg is tooo easyy 50m every 4 hour which takes noo skill. old merching way took skill as yuh have to wait your self to buy and sell items.
i would love to see the wild and free trade back....alot of people quit because of 1. the trade limit 2. the wild and 3.quality...and with the new update this will bring alot of them back
Everyone People don't have to free will they have no free vote. they pick stuff based on there morals. witch where formed because of there enviroment lol. I love when people think they they pick what they want.
12-Jan-2011 00:42:02
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12-Jan-2011 00:42:46
Zar Roc Ss
not being funny but the free trade and wildy should come back because if people go into the wildy they go in at their own risk of dieing and if people are getting scamend then its your fault your not watching the screen properly you have two trade screens you shouldnt miss it so there fault you can only take responsibilties for it you should be more careful and if people want to be sad enough to bot then they will get caught out the old rs was so much better than it is now it seems to be like your restricted from doing things it use to be fun in wildy now its not i guess this will all be changing in 2 days can not wait!!!!
When first saw it, I though it was great, so I voted yes.
Now I have meditated about it, I now think this is a really BAD IDEA!!! I first though it will be great because I could give gifts to my friends, but now I think it is:
Scams, botting, unbalanced G.E., gold farming, and many other things.
So please, Jagex, think it.
12-Jan-2011 00:51:48
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12-Jan-2011 00:53:34
Lord Dreyar
look bro, dont worry bout it coz look rs came out in 2000, we lived the old way for 7 yearssssss, thats a long timee and jagex still did what they got to doo. its just gonne be original rs again man just leave it as yess.
fair enough scamss etcc however theres always gonne be scams even atm theres scamss.
the wilderness i like
but i think the grand exchange is better than free trading.
easier to buy the items you need in grand exchange and you don't have to waste your time you can do other stuff while you wait on your items
yehh gee is still gonne be there, read what they wrotee no1 panic man if ur scared ur gonne get scammed, ill make a guide for u scared dudess on how to avoid being scammed. JUST READDDDDD AND OPEEN YOUR EYEES MAN. never trade somthing for freee unless yuh kno the person. for those 13 year olds, ask for permission before u suscribeee to membership and when u tradee ask ur rents man LOL coz u guys get scammed then givee a veryy bad nameee and influencee on the majority players