@Alx The Wolf
LOL. That would be ***, if old wilderness would be in pvp worlds, and pvp places...
Read my other comment before you post something like that?
11-Jan-2011 17:21:16
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11-Jan-2011 17:31:13
Il TANK4lIfe
edward dont use scamming as an excuse, if you get scamme dthen you deserve it, id have more sympathy towards the scammer then i have towards you.
secondly, people who are saying " but what about the quests and stuff in the wilderness, how will we do them"
L2Read idiots. look at the list of things that will be effected by the reinstatement of the wildy and free trade. it clears says " QUESTS WILL BE MOVED"
btw jagex have mentioned already that they ahev the power to reinstate it at the blink of an eye, they have the coding ready.whether they will or not tho i dont know
@Jaakko1889 - you know it's not hard to put across your message without swearing, dude. anyway MY opinion is that if you risk your own hard earned items, then you at least deserve a better chance at a good drop. but that's just me.
Well yeah, but it doesn't mean that all quests will be moved... You also should not post something stupid like that
Well i want wilderness back also, but i had to say something..
Yea i think the update will happen the 14th just as the voting ends.
Also all these world updates i just think they are "Loading" the old wildy back on them...
Hai dere
11-Jan-2011 17:30:55
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19-Sep-2011 09:01:55