Here is the only reason I would support the Free Trade, and I swear I'm not making this up.
(for the sake of better understanding, these friends will be referred to as Friend1(mine) and Friend2(his)
My best friend, back before I met him, was good friends with someone who owned a White Partyhat. Friend1 asked Friend2 to lend him Friend2's Partyhat. Friend2 saw no problem with this, as he trusted Friend1 to give it back, so he traded the Partyhat. A week or so later, the trade limit came out, and both were very mad. Friend2 couldn't get his Partyhat back, and Friend1 couldn't give it back.
This couldn't be fixed anyways, as my friend has forgotten the name and pass of his old account. But I just said this is the only reason I would support it.
22-Dec-2010 03:55:23