I thought that 1.2 million responses in 24 hours was impressive, until I heard people at GE boasting about how many time they voted in the poll. After weeks of voting, the numbers are just getting over a million, so multiple respones in that first poll seems likely.
I understand that Jagex is under pressure to bring back the old wilderness, possibly to recover customers lost when they changed it. But if Jagex is doing this to bring back lost customers, they may want to consider the customers they'll lose if they do. Poor guys just can't win!
I'm not a pker, don't pk, and dislike pkers in general. Am I the only one who thinks it a bit disturbing that people like to "kill people and take their stuff"? Frankly, I find that there's too much of that thug mentality already in-game. I was pleased when separate worlds were set up for these player to kill each other to their heart's content.
I'm mostly concerned about the effect that the return of the old wilderness will have on my weekly penguin search, quests, and clue scroll pursuits. Those are the only reasons I go to the wildy, and would perfer not to have to at all. I've heard some good suggestions such as bringing old wildy back on the pvp and bounty worlds only, or having a "white flag" option of some kind.
I would like to be able to help some of the younger players, like some people helped me when I first started, and the return of free trade would permit that. I am aware of the drasticly increased chance of scamming that would also permit.
The way the poll was set up, with only a YES vote option, seems rigged to support something that's already been decided.
09-Jan-2011 13:14:17