I don't see what all the fuss is. They have already mentioned they know what will come with these updates as far as bots and RWT goes, and that they are certainly more prepared than they were back in the day.
The worry about RWT and botting at least has merit, but as far as any sort of negative impact on gameplay goes, these systems worked perfectly fine, and were preferred by most when they were part of the game. Now that they've been gone for a while, suddenly the game will fall apart if they come back.
Scamming may be easier with free trade and wildy back, but that just means you can't mindlessly go through this game, that you have to watch out. So what? I was scammed once. What did I do? I was a bit frustrated, but I simply learned from it and haven't been scammed since.
I hear people complaining about wildy left and right, complaining how they can't do clues or whatever. I'm guessing most of you started playing or pking only after the removal of free trade and wildy came into effect and now believe that old wildy will be like pvp and bounty worlds, aka crawling with pkers. However, you may not know back in the days of old wildy where all worlds were open for pking, it was very easy to find a lesser used world by pkers and simply walk around a deserted wildy, do your clue, and leave. Same can be done for any task in the wildy. Even so, it's supposed to be dangerous. Anything put in wildy is meant to have that risk.
Jagex should not dumb down the game (which they have done enough of) to make up for people's own carelessness, ignorance, or stupidity.
In short, free trade will not kill you, it's giving you a freedom, and as for wildy, if you don't like it don't go in it.
Well, glad to have that out of my system.
07-Jan-2011 19:29:23