My heart sank when I first read about the return of free trade. I have played Runescape for many years and remember back to those days when swarms of botters were everywhere as well as beggars hounding you for handouts constantly, not to mention good accounts being stolen right and left so that the gold and valuable items could be sold on real world trading sites. Please don't bring this nightmare back again. As for the old wildy, I did miss that and wouldn't mind seeing it return. It's too bad you lumped them into one bundle. A few weeks ago, after I first read the announcement about this, I went to the vote page to discover the vote was only for those who wanted it back. I may have even voted for it by just going there,idk. So as far as I'm concerned, the voting is already fraudulent and a joke. Yes or No votes should have been offered to all players right from the beginning. I have a high level account and in anticipation of free trade returning, I am keeping all chat to Off. No one can reach me except in my clan chat because I anticipate all high level accounts to be stolen. Free Trade..Bad Idea.
07-Jan-2011 11:46:20