how many people that disagree with free trade and the wild have accusal been playing since 2007 players that played years before tend to support i have been playing since 2004 i learned to live with the wild and i loved free trade runescape in an attempt to get players back have tried to make it easyer for new players and this hurt the people that have been playing for a long time finaly they have found the answer vote yes
Look If You Truel belive us players should be in charge and that all of us should decide how the scape changes then you belong in my clan we fight for player freedom our goal is to make runescape a game ruled by the people who play it not by jagex so join the archkonas clan chanel of look up Freescape in the forum search ty guys
I think everyone's overreacting a bit and exagerrating how good free trade is and bashing the new pk system a bit too much. =P
First off, the ge actually made merching a LOT easier, because now you don't have to endure crowded markets in laggy servers waiting 3 hours to sell off your items. One of you guys mentioned merching rune scims from 28k to 35k, or 20% profit**** has a range of about 10%, which I know is twice as much profit, but really it would take at least 4 hours to sell 1k(28m worth) of them in free trade. Below 750 scims the profit margin really isnt that significant(1m being significant compared to 28m used to invest), and 750 would still take about 3 hours, which is about an average school day's worth of playing. I'd rather spend that time pking or something instead of standing around with a laggy screen. The trade limit is all good because now friends can be nice to each other and drop parties(can't wait for those again
) can exist outside of the party room, but i really dont think people will use that to profit (aside from scammers and people making huge profit from rares, which really arent that much). Rather, they would use the ge. I suggest something like a stock system(maybe like the marketplace in War of Legends) so that people dont have to waste their time spaming each other and can actually see other people's offers.
Secondly, the new drop system isn't that bad: you profit alot more in the long run(meaning like 100 kills, which is what a serious pker does in a week). Ep doesn't matter: I've gotten 1 corrupt bax(sold 5m), 2 c longs (2m), and a c mace (800k). The 2 c longs and bax i got when i was at ~ 15ep, and the mace i got from 100. The secret to getting godly drops is not to expect them from regular opponents, but to get them from tough targs. Everyone i know who pks regularly doesn't wait for ep, they just fight like normal and still get decent drops, even pulling in a corrupt item once in a while. Ep really isn't that big a factor
Rather then abuseing the forums your all more then welcome to come to my clan chat archkonas and argue there lol just less clutter in the forum then ok im logging in cya all there