joey it all depends on who your pking, some scenarios cant be matched by monsters, infact most cant. it takes so much more skill to kill someone playing just as you are rather then something programmed to fight a certain way.
im sorry i do honestly respect your opion bc your not a noob your one of the few in this forum who played longer than me, but have you ever had a good pker? and goten good at pking its amazing... simply stated, amazing...
i don't think age has anything to do with weather u can be a gamer or not. its a pretty universal industry. old dogs can learn new tricks believe it or not lol.
ohh nono i know they can, but a real man of 50 would not tell people hes 50, they just dont 50 is a pretty wise age (dont tell my dad i said tht
) and they dont put there age on the internet especially on a game that has a age lvl set off about 14-19ish, with exception of some i know...
Joeyj, you still gotta agree that almost 90% of the players plays this game for PKing.
If there wont be a PvP-system, this game would be soooo boring. Like me, I dont like questing at all, Jagex has failed the meaning of the quests. Blizzard has made the quests funny, and players gets real rewards from them.
What you get from RS quests..?
Barrows gloves are the best reward. And you need 177 QPs to get them. So.. It takes alot of time. We need more items, styles to skill herblore/prayer/dungeoneering.
More minigames.
I've actually invented 2 great minigames which bases on the RuneScape lore.
"btw agent, i went for a shower and only just saw your post about being 50+ years old, and id say it expains alot, your narrow mindedness, your stubbornness and your fear of change and adaptation." that was my reply to his being over 50,but i put it as edit so nooen probs saw it :/
no sir. i honestly have no desire to have anything to do with pking. everything i got i've worked my ass off for and respectly have no desire to risk losing it just to prove i can eat at the right time. But like i said, i don't mind pking as long as no reason for me to go there. its the free trade i'm worried about. as its why i initially quit this game cause prices got so out of control due to merchant clans. i'd play a bit here and there and they'd drive me off every time. untill the G.E and trade limits. then i was back full force
4 years ago i'd agree that 90% of this game was here to pk. anyone whos made an account since then, if thats what their here for there not very bright. everything about this game says skill based and nothing to do with pvp. but yeah i understand some old players being excited about it.