how can you 7% no be so close minded and realize that jagex would not even put this to a poll if they did not have better technology to combat rwt better than in 2007!!!!
first off- botting and rwt is hardly any less of an issue than it was pre-2007, gold selling sites still thrive like never before, and botters are usually those gold sites getting more money to sell, all the trade limits is doing is restricting the legit players from being able to freely trade what they want with whom they want.
second off- pking used to be a huuuuuge thing. around 30% of players used to consider themselves pkers, now it's like, 5%... pking is one of runescapes ultimate past-times, and it was not used just to lure,scam, and kill people out of rage. it brang people together, was one of the main reasons people were in clans, and allowed the hundreds of thousands of people who did not prefer to sit in front of a tree and click all day a fun alternative.
third- do you know how easy it would be for jagex to implement some sort of trade scanner, which would easily be able to see if one random account was giving 10's or even 100's of mils to random players that the account had just added that day? i mean we all know they track how long we've been friends with people, and we all know people used to get banned like this, and their technology cannot get worse as time goes by...
so, what other reasoning could you possibly have to say no to the return of free trade and pking? are you mad that you got scammed in the past? there is a quick fix for that too, don't be ignorant, check the second trade screen, it's there for a reason as is the big red exclamation points and the flashing red bars in the second trade screen, there is no reason to get scammed, or hacked for that matter, as that is what bank pins are for. if you want to be safe, don't be so damn lazy you cannot take 30 seconds to create a bank pin, everyone can remember a 4-digit number -.-
no more space to type, out of characters.
06-Jan-2011 21:34:42